Once upon a time, a little girl of, say nine found a bag of thick blue yarn in the storeroom of her house. It was love at first sight.
Tirelessly, she wound the blue web into a ball, and for years, she played with it, wondering how best to use it. Till one day, her exceptionally artistic grandmother showed her what applying the yarn to knitting needles could do. The girl was ‘hooked’.
After that, her hands seldom paused. She went on to knit little wonders as presents for friends and family, her hands furiously at work, whether aboard a metro, at a restaurant, on a holiday or in an overnight train. “What better way to utilise my time? What better gift for somebody special, than an article, lovingly crafted by hand?” she thought.
Then and there, amidst clattering needles dancing the tango, the seeds of Warmly Yours were sown.
We believe in the handmade.
Warmly Yours believes in the dying art of hand-knitting and crochet and is set out not only to breathe new life into it, but to rejoice in it. We stand testimony to this iconic art form that is slowly slipping out of the hands of the newer generations.
Sweater or sock, nothing compares to the love, energy and labour that we put into every knit, to prepare a work of art that is warm and personal. and is a tribute to grandmothers and mothers everywhere, who have painstakingly kept generations safe from the biting cold.
100% BY HAND
Every Warmly Yours product is industriously created, entirely by hand by our women artisans. There are no machines involved in the making.
For hand-knit woollens to be cool again; to be a choice, and not a necessity. We dream of becoming synonymous with handmade sweaters across the world, while at the same time helping our women artisans secure their livelihood and financial independence back home.


We are also working towards empowering, enabling and benefitting every skilled artisan who works with us, and many more like them.
Just so, they never have to give up knitting and can support themselves through their passion

We firmly believe that colours don’t have a gender.
So, for us, boys could look dashing in pink and girls, absolutely enchanting in blue.
Gender neutrality is our backbone.

We also believe in fair pay. Our purse strings never tighten for the right reasons. Good work must be rewarded, and rewarded right. And that’s how we swing it.
Our knitting geniuses earn their livelihoods from Warmly Yours and are happy in the knowledge that we play fair. We don’t know any other way.